Pax Prime 2011: Dragon Age Panel Secrets Revealed

Pax Prime 2011: Dragon Age Panel Secrets Revealed

If you’ve ever listend to one of our podcasts or dropped by our site, you’re probably aware that we’re huge fans of Bioware and their games. I was surprised to see that Bioware’s Dragon Age Panel was so late on Saturday night (9:30) and didn’t expect much of a crowd… I was incredibly wrong. The Dragon Age panel was a very honest, and revealing, look at the future of the franchise… Oh yeah, the future looks bright.

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Mass Effect 3: Why The Hate For Blonde Shepard?

Mass Effect 3: Why The Hate For Blonde Shepard?

As most of you are aware, Bioware decided to allow fans to choose the official appearance for the female Commander Shepard on Facebook and I was lucky enough to be at the Bioware-Base when the six candidates were announced. The scene was utter-mayhem and I can honestly say there were almost as many females as males present at the event. However here is where things get a bit tricky.

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