Mass Effect 3: Why The Hate For Blonde Shepard?

Mass Effect 3: Why The Hate For Blonde Shepard?

As most of you are aware, Bioware decided to allow fans to choose the official appearance for the female Commander Shepard on Facebook and I was lucky enough to be at the Bioware-Base when the six candidates were announced. The scene was utter-mayhem and I can honestly say there were almost as many females as males present at the event. However here is where things get a bit tricky.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic – What Class Will You Be Playing ? (a Novel)

Star Wars: The Old Republic – what class will you be playing ? (a novel)

With SWTOR slated for Q1 2011 many of us are already within its “force grip”, so to speak. I have friends that ask me on a weekly basis what class and specialization I plan on playing, so I figured I may as well make a list for those that haven’t yet decided what to roll. Enjoy this compilation of information gathered from a variety of resources that may make the decision a bit easier.

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