Star Wars the Old Republic: Bounty Hunter Reveal
Star Wars the Old Republic is a game that we here at NerdAppropriate.com cannot wait for. Sadly we’re going to have to. The good news is, this video proves that the game is still being worked on and the graphics look better than ever. Take a quick look at the newest reveal video for the Bounty Hunter class. IGN did a great interview HERE that reveals a bit about the developer’s influences when building the class (hint… Boba Fett).
What you should look at – Take a look at the above video provided by IGN. You’ll notice this particular clip shows off SWTOR’s latest build complete with new dynamic shadows and lighting. The game and camera work have never looked more beautiful. Can’t wait to see what the final product looks like Q4 2011.
A death mark? – That’s right, SWTOR will have a special mechanic that will allow bounty hunters to “hunt down” players who have a mark on their head. If I remember correctly this is something that Star Wars: Galaxies promised that never became a reality (imagine that). I personally can’t wait to have a bounty on my head. I miss the old days of living in terror while I tried to walk to my house in Ultima Online.