SWTOR Rise Of The Hutt Cartel Expansion – Fear Of A “Gay Planet”?

SWTOR Rise of the Hutt Cartel Expansion – Fear of a “Gay Planet”?

After a brief hiatus, I am back to playing The Old Republic. When a friend of mine linked me to an article reacting to the announcement of the expansion for The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel, my interest was piqued. In addition to a new planet, higher level cap, etc., the expansion will introduce the long awaited “same-gender romances” which some players have been inquiring about since SWTOR launched. I was a little excited to say the least; would Nat’s Jedi Knight finally be able to romance the adorable apprentice, Kira Carsen?

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I See The Future: Five Amazing Things That Will Happen In 2013

I See the Future: Five Amazing Things That Will Happen in 2013

Using overly complicated computers with blinking lights and super-colliders that make the Higgs Boson seem tiny, NA complied a list of five amazing things that WILL happen in 2013. Over the years we’ve become very good at predicting trends in pop culture and gaming, so just remember that you heard it here first-ish. Hold onto your Tardis, here we go.

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Rated NA 82: Omega Explosion!! With Mike Gamble

Rated NA 82: Omega Explosion!! with Mike Gamble

From the icy wastes of Canada Rated NA 82 is joined by special guest Mike Gamble of Bioware to talk production, Mass Effect, and the brand spanking new Omega DLC.  We also discuss our Thanksgiving holidays and this year’s door buster madness!   Oh yeah, we do quick reviews of Halo 4, ACIII (ship combat), The Walking Dead: Episode Five, Borderlands 2 DLC, and our buddy Steve’s new film Lincoln!  This episode is filled with more idiocy and explosions than ever before!! EXPLOSIONS!1!!

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New Mass Effect?  Five Things We’d Love To See

New Mass Effect? Five Things We’d Love to See

Hmmmm…. “We’re in early stages of designing a completely new Mass Effect game. What would you want to see in it?”  This afternoon Mass Effect Executive producer Casey Hudson sent out a tweet that got the imaginations of Mass Effect fans working overtime.  While this is something we’ve discussed at length on our podcast Rated NA, we’re elated to hear that Bioware is hard at work on a next-gen Mass Effect title.  After a bit of stewing here is what we’d love to see.

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Try This At Home With Crabcat Industries: Building Badassery

Try This at Home With Crabcat Industries: Building Badassery

We’ve been covering the creative folks at Crabcat Industries for ages now and are stoked to share with you the very first episode of their Nerdist series Try This at Home With Crabcat Industries. If you’re curious about Crabcat and what they do, you should check out Morgan Spurlock’s beautiful documentary Comic-Con Episode IV: a Fan’s Hope. Try this at Home aims to help viewers with a wide variety of projects from prop building to power suits. I can’t wait to see the freaking power suits!

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The Palace Job: The Nerd Appropriate Review & A CONTEST!

The Palace Job: The Nerd Appropriate Review & A CONTEST!

A unique opportunity appeared to me in the form of an advance copy of The Palace Job by Patrick Weekes. As soon as I started it, I was transported to a world where chains lock prisoners to pipes high above the ground, camaraderie affords even the strangest of alliances and magic exists in many forms. If you like movies like “Ocean’s Eleven” and enjoy playing games like “Dragon Age” or “Skyrim” this book is, as we say on the podcast, right in your wheelhouse.

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