Breakin’ It Down: Mass Effect 3 Reveal Trailer.

Breakin’ It Down: Mass Effect 3 Reveal Trailer.

What you’re seeing here are the ruins of London England in the year 2184 C.E. The cockney sounding gentlemen states that 2 million were killed in the first day, and another 7 million in the first week. While the numbers may seem low for a massive alien invasion, we are talking about the population of London after many humans left earth due to pollution and overpopulation problems. Also, we should all be aware that many of the humans are more than likley being harvested for some nefarious purpose, as seen in Mass Effect 2.

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Why 2011 Game Releases Will Destroy You!

Why 2011 Game Releases Will Destroy You!

Games have been amazing this year. Developers are finally figuring out how to push this generation’s consoles to their limit. There have been so many amazing titles this year, that many gamers like myself were forced to skip well reviewed games in order to have a bit a of a life outside of gaming (just a bit.. sigh). So why is 2011 going to destroy you? Here is a list month by month of some of the games on the horizon. Sit back, relax, and get your I-Vs ready.

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