PAX Prime 2013: Holding The Banner High – Hands On The Banner Saga

PAX Prime 2013: Holding the Banner High – Hands on the Banner Saga

Stoic recently completed their $100,000 Kickstarter campaign for the Banner Saga and ended up surpassing their goal by a whopping $623,000. Apparently people like their turn based strategy. As a backer I felt entitled to check the game out inside the colossal Indie Mega Booth at this year’s PAX: Prime. Is this a banner worth flying?

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GaymerX Matters. Here’s Why.

GaymerX Matters. Here’s Why.

As I headed home from the first annual GaymerX I was that person on mass transit—the one wearing sunglasses underground to obscure my face due to feelings. Not “feels,” actual damn feelings. “Feels” come and go; “feelings” need to be processed, reflected on. This meant I had to throw out my initial concept of what this write-up was going to be and instead, hopefully, capture the importance of GaymerX on a different level than merely panel content.

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PAX Prime 2012: Hands On Borderlands 2 – We WUB WUB It!

PAX Prime 2012: Hands on Borderlands 2 – We WUB WUB It!

Unlike PAX: East where only Maya and Salvador were playable, all four character classes were available to choose from at Prime, and I’ve been dying to get my hands on Zero the ninja. Given about 30 skill points to allocate, I ended up dumping almost all of my points into close combat as I was eager to see how this ninja thing really worked.

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PAX Prime 2012: Registration – You Broke PAX!?

PAX Prime 2012: Registration – You Broke PAX!?

Technology can’t keep up with the dedication and rabid loyalty of convention goers these days.  First, SDCC registration was shut down for months due to the speed and ferocity of registration, and now PAX: Prime registration too has been shattered and broken.  Keep your eyes on the offical PAX Twitter feed as well as for details as to when registration will reopen.

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