San Diego Comic Con 2012: A Fan’s Hope of Actually Attending?
So you’re thinking of going to San Diego Comic Con this year but have no idea what the heck is going on with ticketing and lodging? You’re not alone! Due to Comic Con’s ever-growing size, Comic Con is making attendees jump through some hoops in order to attend the biggest pop culture celebration on the planet. Before we tell you what the heck is going on, check out the new trailer for Joss Whedon and Morgan Spurlock’s Comic Con: Episode IV a Fan’s Hope and see what all the hubbub is about.
1) You now need a member ID to attend: The member ID is simply a log-in for Comic-con.org that is needed to purchase a ticket. You only have until 2/28/2012 to sign up for a member ID, as after that date none will be available. So head there NOW before you forget.
2) Where to stay: If you’re trying to stay close to the convention center you’ve probably noticed that most of the hotels have been “blacked out.” Yep, that means that there are NO rooms currently available anywhere near the convention center at this time. Hotel registration through SDCC opens on March 29th. Last year the registration servers pretty much crashed when booking opened, so prepare to cyber-battle your way to a nice room… like Zero Cool in Hackers. Be sure to play some bad 90s techno while you’re trying to secure a hotel room.
3) When tickets actually go on sale: Nobody knows! This is a greater mystery than Diablo III’s release date. Comic-Con simply has yet to reveal when tickets will become available. We will let you all know the moment we find out.
Here is some info scooped from Comic-Con.org that is very helpful.
Are there a limited number of Member IDs available?
Anyone may register for a Member ID, they will not run out. You will only need to register for a Member ID once. Please note that duplicate e-mail addresses are not allowed, and only one Member ID per person. Member ID registration will close February 28th, 2012.
How does one sign up to receive an alert when badges go on sale?
Your Comic-Con Member ID will add you to our verified special member “E-List.” Comic-Con will release the badge sales date and time via email to everyone who has registered for a Member ID. Please check your email frequently for this announcement.
I still don’t understand – What is the difference between Member IDs, badges, and tickets?
A Comic-Con badge is required for entry to any Comic-Con event. This is the physical badge you will wear at Comic-Con.
Additionally, a Member ID account is required to purchase, apply, or register for a badge for Comic-Con. The Member ID will act as your “login” to the EPIC online registration system when it at a later date. Without a Member ID you will not be able to log on to the EPIC online registration system and purchase a badge, nor complete a press, professional, trade professional or volunteer application.
Comic-Con does not sell “tickets” to our event. After you register for a Member ID and purchase your badge through EPIC online registration, you will receive a barcode confirmation e-mail that you will bring onsite to exchange for a badge.
My wife and I share the same e-mail, why do we each need a unique e-mail address?
By requiring a unique e-mail address for each Member ID, our hope is to increase the speed of the online registration process and prevent duplicate registrations that allow scalpers to purchase multiple tickets and sell them at inflated prices. Our hope is that the Comic-Con Member ID system will allow more fans to purchase tickets for this highly popular event.
Why are you making this so difficult? Will I need to sign up for a Member ID again next year?
We truly thank you for your patience during this process. Our goal with the Member ID system is to increase the efficiency and speed of the EPIC online badge registration system, as well as decrease the number of scalpers purchasing large blocks of tickets. You will only need to sign up for a Comic-Con Member ID once, and it is yours for life! If you wish to purchase a badge for Comic-Con 2013 and beyond, you will use your same Member ID.
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As much as I loved going to Comic Con back in the days of SW: Galaxies… I think it’s enormous size has made me less excited to go back. Whether it be sporting events, parties, or conventions, I have never enjoyed paying large amounts of money to be fed into huge lines, shaken down by security, and be repetitively inoculated with norovirus. And then on top of it get charged $50.00 for a cookie and bottle of water. I’ll leave it to you, Nerd Appropriate, to go and get the facts.
It’s interesting, maybe I’ve just gotten used to the lines and the chaos, but I think things have actually gotten more organized in recent years. There is so much offsite programming that you can probably have a blast at Comic Con without actually attending Comic Con proper. From Nerd HQ to Bioware base there is just a ton of awesome stuff going on.
Sad to say, I agree with Micha. I’d love to go again, but it doesn’t seem worth it for the reasons Micha states.