Amazon Taking Pre-orders For Star Wars On Blu-Ray

Amazon taking pre-orders for Star Wars on Blu-Ray

These are the movies you are looking for. You will pre-order these movies. Seriously, it doesn’t really matter what said or written here. If you are a Star Wars fan you’ll pick up these movies. There will probably be some behind the scenes features, previously unreleased footage, blah blah blah. Just do it already. And now, a short rant…

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Beyond Good & Evil Coming To XBLA

Beyond Good & Evil coming to XBLA

This February the cult classic, Beyond Good and Evil, makes a return to the console in HD. Although critically acclaimed, it was commercial flop, leaving those who did play the game clamoring for a sequel. And, unless you are content to play nothing but FPS-inspired sequels for the foreseeable future of disc-based games you’ll want to support the dwindling number of quality, novel experiences like this one.

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Convention Memories: In The Year 2008 Everyone Thought  “twittering” Meant Masturbation.

Convention Memories: In the year 2008 everyone thought “twittering” meant masturbation.

I’m a convention nerd.  I pretty much always have been.  My first convention was at a local Holiday Inn in Fort Myers Florida.  It featured “Q” from Star Trek the Next Generation and Buck Rogers star Erin Grey.  I remember loving it, even though by today’s convention standards it was pretty awful.  I’ve also managed to make it out to my fair share of Comic Cons in San Diego.  For those that have not been, it’s the nerd version of the Hajj.  Every once in a while you’ll luck out at a convention and capture a really amazing moment.

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A Tribute To M.O.D.O.K (Mental Organism Designed Only For Killing)

A tribute to M.O.D.O.K (Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing)

Who is M.O.D.O.K, and why does he hold a special place in my nerdy heart? M.O.D.O.K the (Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing) is a Marvel Comics super-villain that was created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee way back in 1967. That makes M.O.D.O.K a whopping 43 years old! While M.O.D.O.K never became a super popular Marvel Comics villain his popularity has been slowing increasing over the years.

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