Why Parry Gripp Is So Nerd Appropriate!

Why Parry Gripp is so Nerd Appropriate!

Many of you know the name Parry Gripp, but for those that don’t I’m here to educate you. In the mid 1990s I remember wandering into an awful record store in the middle of ghetto in Tampa. After digging through the “Punk” section one band caught my eye, Nerf Herder. I must admit I bought the CD simply for the name. Nerf Herder is what one very famous Princess of Alderan calls one very suave Corellian smuggler in a moment of anger.

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Get ’em Hooked: A Comics Primer

Get ’em hooked: A comics primer

So you have a nerdy circle one(husband, boyfriend, wife, girlfriend, friend, crush, sibling, child) and you want to get them into comics. Well that is how comics work best, much like the crack dealer on the corner (we all have one right?) you get them started on a freebie and before you know it they will be making weekly trips to the comic shop of choice and picking up their scrips (its what the cool kids call a subscription) and reading joyously all night.

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Why 2011 Game Releases Will Destroy You!

Why 2011 Game Releases Will Destroy You!

Games have been amazing this year. Developers are finally figuring out how to push this generation’s consoles to their limit. There have been so many amazing titles this year, that many gamers like myself were forced to skip well reviewed games in order to have a bit a of a life outside of gaming (just a bit.. sigh). So why is 2011 going to destroy you? Here is a list month by month of some of the games on the horizon. Sit back, relax, and get your I-Vs ready.

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