Rad Soldiers: The Nerd Appropriate Review
There is something magical about moving little army men around a game table while pretending you’re a super-important high ranking general. WarChest and Splash Damage’s Rad Soldiers is the latest turn based strategy title that lets you live out those arm-chair general fantasies on your mobile phone or tablet. Did WarChest manage to deliver something with both style AND substance?
Shame on anyone who reads this site who has not played this game…. A curse on all your houses!
Shame on anyone named Ash who hasn’t completed an insanity play through.
Sadly, if there’s something unique to the GOTY I just might buy it.
There is a very good chance I’ll do the same…
Isn’t a pox on all of your houses?
I’ve still got my old copy, I think I should take it back in, so that I can buy the GOTY edition, as I haven’t picked up any of the DLC…
With more Mass Effect tags comes a smaller Alison Brie tag 🙂