Gears Of War: Judgment – Chicks Dig The Baird!

Gears of War: Judgment – Chicks Dig the Baird!

After selling 13 million units world wide, you didn’t really think the Gears of War franchise was over right? While the fine folks at EPIC Games are have shifted focus to other endeavors (see Fort Night), they’ve handed over their precious (and lucrative) franchise to their friends at People Can Fly, the sadists behind last year’s Bulletstorm.  With the world of Sera saved and all that, where does the Gears franchise head next?  Simple, THE PAST!

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Do Video Games Need “Hype Men”?

Do video games need “Hype Men”?

In recent years some developers have taken it upon themselves to become “Hype men” for their respective companies. Now let’s get one thing straight, if I worked on a AAA title that looked like Bulletstorm, you bet I would hype the living hell out of it. The question however is, have the devs over at Epic and People Can Fly gone too far? Is this latest “hype” filled video for Bulletstorm dumbing down the talent of some amazing artists and programmers?

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