The Mass Effect 3 bi-monthly challenges continue this weekend with Operation Overwatch. Unlike July’s Operation Broadside, Overwatch appears as though it should be easier goal to accomplish. Simply extract your team on any difficulty with one of the new N7 classes, and you’re all set. The allied goal is a combined extraction of 800,000 individual players on any difficulty level… even bronze. There is a bit of intel we think you’ll be interested in however. Due to the failure of operation Broadside, the extraction time on wave 11 will be increased, making for a more difficult extraction. If you haven’t had the chance to try out the new N7 classes, they’re incredibly fun and really change the way the game is played. You guys keep making it, and we’ll keep playing it.

Operation OVERWATCH drops troops on Earth to tackle the most secure Reaper strongholds. Reaper anti-air defense will make for high-risk shuttle extractions.
- Squad Goal: Extraction on any difficulty with at least one squad member using an Earth Pack character
- Allied Goal: Extract 800,000 individual players on any difficulty, with each live member counting toward the goal.
- Squad Goal Success: All squad members awarded a Commendation Pack.
- Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack that includes a new Earth character.
- Special Circumstance: Extraction time lengthened due to failure of Operation BROADSIDE.
- Requirement: Mass Effect: Earth must be installed to earn these rewards.
There’s a joke in here about a lengthened extraction time, but I’m really tired at the moment.