Mass Effect 3: Operation Goliath – N7 Mission Accomplished – Hackett Out

This weekend players from all around the world battled the Reapers in order to complete the very first Mass Effect Multiplayer online challenge, Operation Goliath. The first (of hopefully many) mission had two parts, to eliminate 1,000,000 Reaper Brutes, and to defeat the reapers on silver difficulty and achieve extraction. According the Alliance News Network, over 3-million brutes were slain over the duration of the challenge (at least 1000 were probably me… just sayin’), and thousands of players reached extraction on silver. Players who completed the challenges will be receive their mysterious prizes tomorrow afternoon around 5PM PST.   Big thanks to everyone that helped out with this incredibly fun community event. We’ll see you online. Oh yeah, below is a message of thanks from Admiral Steven Hackett himself.

The Mass Effect community manages to complete Operation Goliath (and kill 3-million brutes)

From: Admiral Steven Hackett, Citadel Allied Command

Re: Operation Goliath

Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME

Distribution: N7 Forces Only

Soldiers of the Milky Way –

It is my honor to announce that Operation Goliath was an overwhelming success. By targeting the brutes of the Reaper forces, we dealt them a blow from which they will not soon recover. As I’m sure you’re aware, a brute is made out of the parts of turians and krogan, somehow melded into one. For them to replace those troops, they’re going to have to capture turians and krogan together and alive—and you can ask your turian and krogan friends just how rarely that’s going to happen from now on.

Over a three-day period, you downed a staggering number of brutes, and countless husks and other Reaper creatures in the process. As it is, the Reapers have been pushed back in key positions as they try to make up for the holes you left in their army.

I am confident that word of this operation will get out and that it will give people hope. The stories I am hearing continue to amaze me. They are stories of soldiers braving fire to pull a fallen comrade to safety; they are stories of biotics charging enemies ten times their weight to buy their friends a critical second; they are stories of engineers with their fingers shot off, hacking mainframes with the stumps because their teammates needed them. Thousands of strike teams ran successful sorties against particularly deadly Reaper occupations – those squads will be recognized with a special commendation.

This brotherhood knows no race or species. It is a bond you are forging together, knowing that when the time came, you heard the call, and you answered it with all the skill and passion you could muster. That much… you can say to anyone.

–Admiral Hackett

Congratulations everyone! The first N7 Challenge saw a tremendous level of success – the community goal of killing one million brutes was beaten handily by participants. Through your combined efforts, over THREE MILLION brutes were destroyed! Many thousands of players also managed to beat the Reaper faction on Silver difficulty and achieve extraction. As per the initial announcement, Victory and Commendation Packs will be awarded tomorrow (Tuesday, March 20) at 5 PM PST. We’ll be announcing additional challenges in the days to come – but be ready to step up your game…We hope to see you all on the front lines!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Scott

    I heard through the grapevine that one of the packs contains an N7 weapon at random, normally restricted only to CE single player… but only time will tell

  2. Ash

    I guess we’ll find out this afternoon. I’m hoping for the sniper rifle or assault rifle.. anything but the auto pistol.

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