Rated NA 52: Spoiler-free nerdery
We’re back together for an old-school style round-table recording. In the throws of ME3, we stay spoiler-free. We talk about the recent SWTOR summit, and the DC Comics site relaunch. We have reviews of I am Alive, Mass Effect: Infiltrator for iOS, and Matt’s Comic pick of the week. Finally, we discuss some spoiler-free first impressions of ME3, and whether or not there should be a Mass Effect MMO.
The minecraft party story is crazy. I know that woman and she is the nicest person in the world. How she handled it was amazing. The fact that she was able to still classify PAX as an amazing time is a testament to her awesome.
Did I relay the story correctly? I basically read it third hand.
You got it. The only thing you missed was her boyfriend is an editor at IGN, not a dev. Not really relevant to the story though.