XCOM: Enemy Unknown – Release Date Totally Known!
Seeing footage of XCOM: Enemy Unknown at this year’s PAX: East quickly reminded me how much I longed for the glory days of well executed turn based strategy. Not only did the XCOM look incredible, it also seemed to mysteriously capture the tone and pedigree of the original title. If you’re anything like myself and have been waiting for a proper release day for this long anticipated title, we’ve got great news, the wait is almost over! XCOM is set to invade North America on October 9th 2012 for both 360 and PC. (click for more info)
Wow… I’d really like to help out with this one, but I’ll be in SD. Reaper gold is no joke.
I will call forth the wrath of the NA community for help on this one =)
Yeah, what’s the deal? When I found out that killing 2 Banshees spawns 2 more Banshees I kinda felt cheated a little bit. Wave 8 is broken =)