Voth For Valentine: Bring Back the Iconic Jill Valentine

Let's let Capcom know we want Voth for Valentine - Tweet #JuliaVothForJillValentine

One of the first articles we wrote that got any sort of traffic was a little piece by the name of Wait They’re Real? The article explored the true identities of a lot of your favorite video game characters like Mass Effects Commander Shepard and Resident Evil’s Jill Valentine. A few months later we had the pleasure of interviewing the model for Jill Valentine, actress Julia Voth. Julia was a blast to have on the site (on Valentine’s day no less) and we were lucky enough to trick her into staying in touch…

The “Iconic” Jill: Julia’s likeness has been used for Jill Valentine ever since the excellent Resident Evil remake for the Nintendo Gamecube. If you ask any die-hard Resident Evil fan who they consider to be the “Iconic” Jill, they’ll no doubt say Julia’s Jill. Where am I going with all of this? During our interview I asked Julia the following question..

NA-Ash: If they decided to reboot the Resident Evil film franchise and approached you to play Jill Valentine, what would you say?

Julia Voth: Where do I sign? I have always felt a connection to Jill, and more so always been very proud of the fact that people still love her and want to play her. It would truly be a full circle moment for me in my life and career. Ok so seriously, where do I sign..

Cool eh? Here is where things get interesting. While it hasn’t been “officially” announced, Capcom is already busy at work on Resident Evil 6. Sure, I have very little in the way proof, but let’s just say I have a “hunch”.

Capcom needs to know that the gaming community wants Julia back as the likeness of Jill Valentine, as she is THE “iconic” Jill Valentine.  Recently Capcom has been making the transition away from her likeness in titles such as MVC:3 and Resident Evil: Revelations. I sort of feel like it’s our job to let them know that we’re not really okay with that.  If you’d like to see Julia reprise her role, and perhaps mo-cap Jill in upcoming Resident Evil releases, let Capcom know!

Here is what you can do… Follow Julia’s Twitter and retweet the following hash- tag


Let the folks at Capcom know that we want the original Jill back in action! There is only one true “master of unlocking…” 

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. daniel8472

    Yes we need to get julia voth’s face back on to jill valentine back on, after playing the latest games it didn’t feel the same with out her, Capcom must of went crazy for doin that.


    Please capcom bring back the face of julia voth as jill valentine. Since i am huge fan of her’s i am also a big fan of jill valentine and she has to return in RE7 the new face just just doesn’t work since RE Revelations first came out it was just not the same anymore with out julia voth’s model face.

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