PAX Prime 2014: Gigantic is Big on Awesome
Full disclosure, when I first booked my appointment to check out Motiga’s Gigantic most of the folks I talked to wondered why I wanted to check out “yet another” MOBA title. Due to the insane success of free to play MOBA titles such as League of Legends and Dawn of the Ancients 2, designing the next great MOBA has become a quest of sorts for developers everywhere, and for good reason, success means a whole lot of cash and quite a bit of glory. After about five minutes with Gigantic I was blown away with how unique a specimen it really was and may have actually had more Team Fortress in its DNA than League of Legends. Gigantic is a tactical class based action game at its core, and it turns out its core is made of gold.
I’ve decided that the only advertising that is relevant and important (with respect to video game purchasing) is actual game play footage – so possibly about 1-2 seconds of this commercial is relevant.
This is what we talked about last week too with social media – 500 million people aren’t going to buy AC just because they liked it on Facebook.
I’d take a downloadable demo over this stuff any day.