Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Trailer
Okay, guys. Let’s get real. I’m a HUGE Assassin’s Creed fan. Those of you who listen to the podcast already know this, so kudos to you awesome folks for believing me over Matt. *wink*
Today something amazing happened – the new trailer for AC4 came out and it’s fantastic! Get ready to be transported to a time of pirates and plunder. Arg!
Before you jump down to view the video though, I want you to know when I first saw this trailer, my world exploded into a cacophony of brilliant, multicolored sparkles. Well, to be fair, it was actually when I first laid eyes on our new protagonist, Edward Kenway. A little dramatic, yes, but I’m excited. It should be noted that Kenway is the father of Haytham (AC3) and grandfather to Connor, AC3’s Native American protagonist. More than that, he is HAWT and it looks like Ezio may have some serious competition for being the most intriguing killer. Who doesn’t like swashbuckling, swarthy heartthrobs?
And for those of you who are into that sort of thing, lookie – there’s some naked girls, too! Bodice-rippers rejoice!
Back to the game. It appears you (as Kenway) are captain of “The Jackdaw” in this open-world action game complete with naval combat. I’m sure many of you will be pleased to see ship battles returning to the high seas. I know I am. Many hours were spent in AC3 destroying vessels and upgrading my ship. Great job by Ubisoft for adding that nugget of gameplay to an already-fun adventure series!
So, sit back and enjoy the tale Blackbeard weaves about your new favorite assassin…
Needless to say, I can’t wait to get my hands on this game. It drops Oct 29th on current gen, and interestingly, the trailer states, “Also coming for next-gen consoles.”
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RT @NerdAppropriate: Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Trailer by Hilary – check it out! http://t.co/ljI0LqoTkH
Have you seen the #AC4 #BlackFlag trailer yet? Here it is, along with my fangirl reaction – http://t.co/KHvn3fQSFp
Swoon !RT @hilaryheskett: Have you seen the #AC4 #BlackFlag trailer yet? Here it is, along with my fangirl reaction – http://t.co/TMcIBeCW5q
Glad your happy but I’m burnt out on the series. I worry if they treat watch dogs the same way with next gen
Andrew W Baker liked this on Facebook.
Hilary Heskett Shapiro liked this on Facebook.
Depending on how awesome the pirate stuff is. I haven’t played a good Pirates game since Sid Meiers! I’ve heard its about 60% old AC style, 40% shipboard stuff, I’d actually want more shipboard combat and adventure! Pretty stoked either way!
RT @NerdAppropriate: Swoon !RT @hilaryheskett: Have you seen the #AC4 #BlackFlag trailer yet? Here it is, along with my fangirl reaction …
Karin Weekes liked this on Facebook.
Giselle Cannon liked this on Facebook.
Troy Branstrator liked this on Facebook.
I am ridiculously excited about this! I love pirate games, and the naval combat was a really fun part of AC3 for me (and really beautiful). Can’t wait to see what they do with this 🙂
Amanda Taylor liked this on Facebook.
“@NerdAppropriate: Have you seen the #AC4 #BlackFlag trailer yet? http://t.co/oM2RRHjfdp @sweeney_dillon fangirling!!
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