Tara Platt: The Nerd Appropriate Interview
If you’re into the same things we are (games, movies, film, and animation) there is a good chance Tara Platt may have been a part of it. Starring in a number of roles both behind the mic and in front of the camera, Tara brings a ton of vitality to each and every thing she touches (and she touches a lot). Recently, Tara co-created Shelf Life, a new online comedy series based on the adventures of four action figure “friends” who spend their lives on the shelf of a young boy. Shelf Life is vulgar, witty, and has more polish than most of the shows you’ll find on network television. If you have yet to discover this internet gem, well, now you have! Tara also recently voiced the main female protagonist (two of three) in Volition’s insane hit, Saints Row the Third. Please enjoy our chat with the incredibly creative and humble Tara Platt! AUDIO STREAM BELOW
Audio Interview: click to stream
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Interview Excerpts
Ash: I just sat down to watch Shelf Life for the first time and I absolutely fell in love with it. So now I feel like we have a lot to talk about.
Tara Platt: I’m really glad that you enjoyed it. It really is one of those shows that I’m really passionate and excited about, but I feel like it’s not getting out there to a wide enough group of people. Everyone keeps sending me notes (asking)”Why aren’t more people watching?” and I’m like “I don’t know!”
Ash: Would you mind giving our listeners a little rundown of the show and idea as to how they can watch it?
Tara Platt: Absolutely, (Shelf Life) is a web-series, it’s comedic, and it’s scripted. It’s this very irreverent comedy about these four action figures on a young boy’s shelf, and all the antics we get up to when the boy isn’t in the room or asleep or not looking. It’s very much adult humor in the sense that its as if someone took (the toys from) Toy Story and gave them all crack.

Tara Platt: Yay!
Ash: A coulple of months ago we were talking (with Ali Hillis) about how voice acting has changed a lot since the olden days. We (mentioned that) in the 1990s when voice acting was first in games you didn’t even have professional actors and now thereis defiantly a craft and people that excel in this field. Do you feel like the industry is changing to where there are actually voice acting stars who are recognizable to a certain fan base? Do you feel like this is a change for the better or for the worse?
Tara Platt: You know that’s a really tricky question. That’s a REALLY tricky question, because on one hand you’re right. It’s exciting that (voice acting is) becoming a career unto itself, people are “voice actors.” I don’t call myself just a voice actor because I’m so passionate about the on camera stuff, our web series, film and television. I’m not what would be just considered a voice actor. (However) I think it’s exciting that there are now people who are (regarded as) actors only using their voice, so they’re not seen, but they are acting….
To hear more about Tara, Saints Row, voice acting, Comic Con, and Shelf Life, please click below to stream!
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Tara Platt – Twitter
Shelf Life – You Tube
Shelf Life – Home
Voice Over Voice Actor – Book Page
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very glad you guys talked with Tara. I hope more people catch on to her projects and enjoy them.
She was an absolute blast to chat with. I’m hoping to have her back on in the future.