Amy Acker: The Nerd Appropriate Interview
Amy Acker has been a HUGE part of so many projects that are near and dear to my nerdy little heart. From Joss Whedon’s Angel and Dollhouse, to Alias, and more recently, Once Upon a Time, Amy brings something magical to each and every character she inhabits. Can you even imagine iconic characters like Fred or Dr.Saunders played by anyone else? Amy was cool enough to chat with us about a number of her projects, new and old, as well as her starring role in Joss Whedon’s follow up to the Avengers. We hope you enjoy our incredibly fun interview with the ultra-amazing Amy Acker.

“I don’t know how easy it is to be shocked when my first job started as a girl in a potato sack and ended as a blue demon goddess.”
Ash: Amy, thank you SO much for agreeing to answer some of our questions. We’ve been huge fans of yours since we first saw you scribbling complex equations on that dingy cave wall back on Pylea. How’s your day going?
Amy Acker: Awww, thank you. Going great!
Ash: We heard you relocated to New York. How is the transition to the big city going?
Amy Acker: So, yes, we were in NY, but now we are back in L.A. Though I just got back from NY for a few weeks, so I guess it depends on the day! We love both places, so we try to get back and forth as often as we can.
Ash: Okay let’s get down to business. We finally got a chance to see Cabin in the Woods and were totally blown away by how original and insane it was. What was your reaction when you first got your hands on that script and gave it a read?
Amy Acker: Right!? If I had like one gazillionth of the talent, originality, and creativity of Joss and Drew, I would be happy. I was so excited to be a part of the movie. I had heard them talking about it for a few months and was already crazy about the idea before I knew there was a chance I could be in it.
Ash: Were you excited to see the movie both review and perform so well after waiting SO LONG for its release?
Amy Acker: I had been begging Drew (Goddard) to direct since “Angel” . He is not only talented as a writer/director, but also a really great guy. We all had so much fun making the movie, and I think that really comes across when you are watching it. And seriously, Joss- I have never seen anything he’s done that I haven’t loved… so I was not surprised that it was awesome.
Ash: Okay, shifting gears for a sec. We love virtually everything you’ve been in, from Angel and Alias, to Grimm and Once Upon a Time. One thing that I’ve noticed is that each and every one of your roles is incredibly unique and unlike the others. Are you ever shocked by some of the scripts you’re asked to read?
Amy Acker: I am so lucky that I have gotten to play all these completely different parts. It’s what I love about acting. I don’t know how easy it is to be shocked when my first job started as a girl in a potato sack and ended as a blue demon goddess. (smile)
Ash: Speaking of Angel… I have to gush for a second here. The death and rebirth of Fred on Angel was one of the most shocking things I’ve ever seen on television. I remember sitting around with my friends saying “There is NO way they’ll keep her dead…” And they did… Can you tell us something unique about playing Fred, or perhaps that shoot, that you may have not mentioned to people in the past?
Amy Acker: Hmmm, I didn’t think they would keep Fred dead either, in fact, I think the original plan was to have her come back after like 3 episodes. But that (arc) was right about the time that we found out we were cancelled, and there was so much fun stuff to play with Illyria. I really loved that they gave me the chance to switch back and forth- I think probably my favorite all time scene is Wesley’s death with Fred/Illyria.
Ash: That scene is high up on my list as well. I may have gotten a wee bit misty… maybe.
Ash: We here at NA love ABC’S Once Upon a Time. Any chance we’ll see the return of Astrid/Nova in the future?
Amy Acker: I really, really hope so. I love that show too! That was such a fun part to play, I think there is definitely a possibility.
Ash: Excellent, we loved the character and hope she comes back soon.
Ash: What can you tell us about the upcoming Joss Whedon directed Much Ado About Nothing? Is it true that it was shot in only 12 days?
Amy Acker: Yes! 12 days! Though we did get to rehearse a little before shooting! I don’t know much, yet, but some of my favorite whedonverse actors are there, and I got to act with Alexis again which has basically been my dream since Angel ended.
Ash: That’s so good to hear! The cast of Much Ado About Nothing is like a rogues gallery of amazing actors from past Mutant Enemy shows. Was the shoot like a big family reunion?
Amy Acker: Very much so! It was exactly that. And Joss brought some new friends into the mix. It was kinda perfect…
Ash: Are you currently reading any books or watching anything on T.V. that we should keep an eye out for? Any Amy approved entertainment?
Amy Acker: It sounds like you and I have the same taste. Once Upon a Time, New Girl, Oh! And I know we are a little late on this but I just started Game of Thrones – love!
Ash: Yes, we here at NA love all of those things… haha
Ash: And now for our signature NerdAppropriate.com question. What are your secret nerdy hobbies or passions that you’re almost too embarrassed to share with everyone? (from stamp collecting to video games)
Amy Acker: Ha! That’s funny. My whole life is pretty nerdy, but I spend most of my free time making stuff, sewing, doing crafts, cooking.
Ash: Quick hits! Favorite snack?
Amy Acker: Jalapeño potato Chips.
Ash: Favorite Avenger?
Amy Acker: Iron Man
Ash: Favorite blue haired character?
Amy Acker: Is it okay to put yourself?
Ash: We were hoping you’d say that!
Ash: Amy thanks so much for taking the time out of your schedule to chat with us. If you’d ever like to join us on one of our podcasts the door will forever remain open! We appreciate what you do SO much.
Amy: Thank you SO much:) And sure, I’d love to do a podcast sometime!
Ash: I’m going to hold you to that.
Thanks for reading gang. In case you’re not doing it already, you can follow Amy on Twitter @AmyAcker. Make sure you keep your eyes out for Amy in Joss Whedon’s take on Much Ado About Nothing. And if you haven’t seen Cabin in the Woods, it’s still playing at theaters everywhere!
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Yeah, I feel like any time an interviewer talks to Whedon about Angel he mentions how the original plan was to bring back Fred, or at least blur the lines between what was Fred and what was Illyria- and then the show got cancelled.
It’s a shame we’ll never get to see it. However, with his recent box office success Joss could pretty much make whatever he wanted right to right now. Thanks for reading!
Thank you thank you thank youuu!! Amy has been my favourite actress for years, but there’s NEVER anything on Youtube, there are never any interviews… until now!! You rule! Much Ado is gonna be amazing. *nerdgasm*
You’re very welcome! I’m a big fan myself and was thinking the same thing. I won’t lie, I went after this one for about 13 months. Very glad you enjoyed it.