Rated NA 43: Bananaboat Sith Warrior
Whats new in the worlds of SWTOR and Mass Effect? Gearbox is good people, and we update our fall TV predictions. Reviews of Skyrim, Rayman Origins, Uncharted 3, and Battlefield 3. Finally, we try to convince “D the P” to play SWTOR in our open thread. Featuring Cossby Sweater’s “Comedians”, nice! (http://cossbysweater.bandcamp.com/)
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I would be offended by your impression, but I’ve heard you do an impression of Scott and I think I won that one. Also, good job, I hope you don’t permanently replace me.
Considering I had the gain too high on my mic, and I probably had it oriented backwards (as you point out in 44) I think your job is safe.