XCOM: Enemy Unknown – The Nerd Appropriate Review

XCOM: Enemy Unknown – The Nerd Appropriate Review

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a bold take on a classic genre that hopefully brings new players into the fold. With a ton of depth and customization, players could easily find themselves spending hours upon hours tweaking their squads armor, colors, heads, and haircuts before sending their tiny soldiers out to face their inevitable brutal slaughter (unless you reload). But is it fun? (clicky)

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The Palace Job: The Nerd Appropriate Review & A CONTEST!

The Palace Job: The Nerd Appropriate Review & A CONTEST!

A unique opportunity appeared to me in the form of an advance copy of The Palace Job by Patrick Weekes. As soon as I started it, I was transported to a world where chains lock prisoners to pipes high above the ground, camaraderie affords even the strangest of alliances and magic exists in many forms. If you like movies like “Ocean’s Eleven” and enjoy playing games like “Dragon Age” or “Skyrim” this book is, as we say on the podcast, right in your wheelhouse.

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Snow White And The Huntsman: The Nerd Appropriate Review

Snow White and The Huntsman: The Nerd Appropriate Review

As the title indicates, this movie has a main plot line involving both Snow White and the dubious Huntsman. However, the real star of this movie is the queen. Charlize Theron embodies all that is wicked, but in a sympathetic and majestic way. Her beauty and talent for making you believe- more than that, understand why she is so evil really carries this film.

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The Woman In Black: The Nerd Appropriate Review

The Woman in Black: The Nerd Appropriate Review

A movie called “The Woman in Black” appeared in my Direct TV queue the other day and because of my unnatural obsession with all things paranormal, there was little I could do to combat its pull. Now, before you get all “OMG, I can’t believe you didn’t know about it” or “Ugh, isn’t that the one with Harry Potter not being Harry Potter” on me, hear me out. This film was quite good. Yes, it can be difficult to see Daniel Radcliffe as anything other than the brooding kid with glasses and an owl, but the way the movie progressed from first conflict to denouement was outstanding. I literally screamed at a couple key points in between, so the thrill factor was certainly present.

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