Rated NA 184: Inside Inquisition with Patrick Weekes
Hosts: Ash and Kate (guest)
Ash and Kate sit down with author and BioWare scribe Patrick Weekes to discuss Dragon Age: Inquisition. Just a warning, this is a spoiler filled episode, so if you haven’t beaten Dragon Age: Inquisition you may wish to steer clear. If you’re a bit curious about the characters of Iron Bull, Solas, and Cole, you’ve come to the right place.
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I love Solas. His character is really well written. And I fell in love with him. I had my heart broken by him but I love all that emotion in my games. Thank you for talking about him.
Very welcome!
I am currently having IRL feels thanks to Solas. I don’t know what to make of it! *grabs icecream* An amazing character.
Great show, though I’d want to ask if Solas was so hardcore about freedom why the male inquisitor didn’t get an option to remove the vallaslin.
Great question! There were so many we didn’t get to ask.
Great question! There were so many we didn’t get to ask.
Thanks for this interview, you have covered a lot interesting info. Love your podcasts!
Sorry for chiming in late but maybe tha fact that it was not Solas’ intention to begin with to reveal the truth about vallaslin but rather the truth about himself. And he cornered himself and just went with vallaslin in the spirit of the moment. He never removed the vallaslin of non romanced female Lavellan either.
Sorry for chiming in late but maybe tha fact that it was not Solas’ intention to begin with to reveal the truth about vallaslin but rather the truth about himself. And he cornered himself and just went with vallaslin in the spirit of the moment. He never removed the vallaslin of non romanced female Lavellan either.
I loved the FPJ and Alix Wilton Regan interviews, and this one was really stellar too! I’ve loved every character Patrick has written pretty much since ME2, and his characters in DA:I were so strong and compelling. Especially Solas </3
I loved the FPJ and Alix Wilton Regan interviews, and this one was really stellar too! I’ve loved every character Patrick has written pretty much since ME2, and his characters in DA:I were so strong and compelling. Especially Solas </3
Thank you Grace! We really appreciate that. Stick around for our regular shenanigans too!
Is there a transcription?
Nope! Transcribing audio is pretty much the worst thing ever. Perhaps one day when we have strapping young eager intern.
Wonderful interview! Always nice to have the writers on, so lovely to get some insight into the characters, makes me wanna play more of the game.
Thank you so much for this podcast! I will have to listen to more of them.
Would you please close the window while recording? Thanks!
Windows are closed while recording. We can’t however control where the guests sit when they record. 🙂
I have to say the Solas romance, god, it made me cry and this is so amazing thank you so much for all this thoughts from Weekes about and the details and intentions
I’d love to know more Dorian backstory though like who is the he that changed his mind about blood magic is it who we think or someone back in Tevinter
I’d love to know more Dorian backstory though like who is the he that changed his mind about blood magic is it who we think or someone back in Tevinter
Oh man. I came into this podcast expecting a cooling salve for my chapped, broken heart– But hearing Patrick talk about the intricacy of Solas’ struggles as a character and how that ties into his romance (Especially about the vallaslin scene from his point of view) just made it hurt even more D’:
Thank goodness the next few topics were lighthearted and fun questions.
For some reason though, I always had this weird feeling that the Well of Sorrows would be salty, like a pool of tears xD;;;
Just feels… appropriate haha.
How do I get into the “writer’s pit”?!?!
How do I get into the “writer’s pit”?!?!
OH please… I know this is too much to ask but I still hope for a happy end with Solas… ;____;
OMG, Patrick Weekes sounds like someone I would like to know. His characters are so well written, they are all interesting and lovely in their own way and Solas and The Iron Bull are two of the most intelligent characters I’ve seen in videogames, movies, etc. They are not like other characters who are supposed to be intelligent, they really act, talk and feel intelligent. They also are sensitive and that means their creator is like that too.
Such a great writer and such great characters.
I loved that too especially Iron Bull because I felt that it is so rare to have a character who is ‘the muscle’ but is intelligent, considerate and extremely loyal. I’m still on first playthrough and romancing him – what made me fall for him both in and out of game was where Krem tells how he lost his eye (although the decision to romance was influenced by being too short to interest Cullen). I spoilered for the choice you have to make in “The Demands of the Qun” because I looked up what to do to advance the Bull romance as for a long time it feels like you are flirting with a brick wall especially if like me you take the approval hit from Bull of saving the mages and letting them join as allies but the same story from Krem meant I probably would have saved the chargers without having the time to think about beforehand and the fact that Krem and the chargers in general are pretty awesome (the chargers being the microcosm of the mixed race aspect of the inquisition) although I missed the reference to Dalish being a mage in denial.
I was fascinated with Solas from the off as he kinda of seemed like a Merril who actually had a clue what he was doing but I wasn’t interested in romancing him – just as well really since I was playing a dwarf and not an elf. I find it hard to understand why he seems to reap a lot of hate from some people – I guess people don’t like a guy who is not afraid to tell them in no uncertain terms that he disagrees with them and lets face nerds (which at least is which Solas first appears to be) always seem to reap hostility from some quarters. I’m kinda of glad I didn’t romance him – my first ever DA series romance was Anders and that was kinda of my fill for tragic and doomed.
Cole is pretty cool – I pushed towards spirit as I felt that’s who is he was and where he do the most good (the scene in the Val Royaux cafe where he spent the whole meal giving free therapy to all the nobles in the vincinity made me feel good about that choice) but the final conversation I’ve had with him made me feel I made the wrong one and especially that it bought forth the idea that it’s a shame that making him more spirit like erodes what’s felt of the original Cole the hedge mage whose body the compassion spirit took over and who presumably what it felt a bound to and the human side of Cole’s nature is drawn from and whose wasted life is where the tragedy of Cole’s life comes from. It’s good to know that there isn’t a right or wrong choice. I watched the cafe scene if he becomes more human and I found it interesting – I will take the other path in my next playthrough and look forward to seeing what happens and meeting Calpurnia and actually romancing Cullen rather than seeing other ladies to do it.
I loved that too especially Iron Bull because I felt that it is so rare to have a character who is ‘the muscle’ but is intelligent, considerate and extremely loyal. I’m still on first playthrough and romancing him – what made me fall for him both in and out of game was where Krem tells how he lost his eye (although the decision to romance was influenced by being too short to interest Cullen). I spoilered for the choice you have to make in “The Demands of the Qun” because I looked up what to do to advance the Bull romance as for a long time it feels like you are flirting with a brick wall especially if like me you take the approval hit from Bull of saving the mages and letting them join as allies but the same story from Krem meant I probably would have saved the chargers without having the time to think about beforehand and the fact that Krem and the chargers in general are pretty awesome (the chargers being the microcosm of the mixed race aspect of the inquisition) although I missed the reference to Dalish being a mage in denial.
I was fascinated with Solas from the off as he kinda of seemed like a Merril who actually had a clue what he was doing but I wasn’t interested in romancing him – just as well really since I was playing a dwarf and not an elf. I find it hard to understand why he seems to reap a lot of hate from some people – I guess people don’t like a guy who is not afraid to tell them in no uncertain terms that he disagrees with them and lets face nerds (which at least is which Solas first appears to be) always seem to reap hostility from some quarters. I’m kinda of glad I didn’t romance him – my first ever DA series romance was Anders and that was kinda of my fill for tragic and doomed.
Cole is pretty cool – I pushed towards spirit as I felt that’s who is he was and where he do the most good (the scene in the Val Royaux cafe where he spent the whole meal giving free therapy to all the nobles in the vincinity made me feel good about that choice) but the final conversation I’ve had with him made me feel I made the wrong one and especially that it bought forth the idea that it’s a shame that making him more spirit like erodes what’s felt of the original Cole the hedge mage whose body the compassion spirit took over and who presumably what it felt a bound to and the human side of Cole’s nature is drawn from and whose wasted life is where the tragedy of Cole’s life comes from. It’s good to know that there isn’t a right or wrong choice. I watched the cafe scene if he becomes more human and I found it interesting – I will take the other path in my next playthrough and look forward to seeing what happens and meeting Calpurnia and actually romancing Cullen rather than seeing other ladies to do it.
I have a question. I just finished a PT with my Fem dwarf romancing Bull. I got in a debate with someone on a DAI fanpage because I killed the chargers, and continued to have a wonderful fulfilling romance PT with the Bull, He commits and says I love you.In this recording Patrick seems to say that if you kill the Chargers Bull is just going through the motions, So whats up with this it seems to be in conflict with my experience in the actual game? I think the comment in question is at 28:20-29:00
I didn’t encounter Calpernia…I have no clue what I did. I sided with the Mages. I also didn’t have to fight the Guardian of Mythal. I still beat the game…weird. Maybe they will show up during this second play through.
I didn’t encounter Calpernia…I have no clue what I did. I sided with the Mages. I also didn’t have to fight the Guardian of Mythal. I still beat the game…weird. Maybe they will show up during this second play through.
Of course Garrus’ mandibles taste like cinnamon.
Of course Garrus’ mandibles taste like cinnamon.