When people find out that members of NA live in Orlando Florida they often assume that we live inside the Epcot ball and skip merrily through tomorrow land on a daily basis. While the assumption is incorrect (although Scott would gladly give up everything to live in that ball), Disney is still a huge part of our world. When we discovered this morning that Harmonix is working on a brand new Disney themed rhythm game by the name of Fantastia: Music Evolved, we were hardly surprised. While details on the game are still scant, here is what we DO know. Fantasia: Music Evolved will work on both the Xbox 360 as well as the new Xbox One. There will be a narrative of sorts as players take on the role of Yen Sid (Disney spelled backwards) to weave some spells and “unleash your musical creativity.” The trailer below makes it appear as though players will be able to actually control the tone and tempo of the music along with the graphical representation of those tones and tempos. In terms of music, Harmonix stated that a wide variety of musical genres will be represented, which sounds good to us. We’re happy to see some true innovation coming to the Kinect, and it looks like we’ll be waving our Wizard arms around some time in 2014.
Disney Interactive and Harmonix are excited to announce Fantasia: Music Evolved for Kinect on Xbox 360 and Xbox One!
Become the new apprentice of legendary sorcerer Yen Sid, and explore and transform magical worlds by unleashing your musical creativity when Fantasia: Music Evolved releases in 2014.
For the latest updates on Fantasia: Music Evolved, “Like” our official Facebook page (facebook.com/fantasiagame) and “Follow” us on Twitter (twitter.com/fantasiagame).
In recent years some developers have taken it upon themselves to become “Hype men” for their respective companies. Now let’s get one thing straight, if I worked on a AAA title that looked like Bulletstorm, you bet I would hype the living hell out of it. The question however is, have the devs over at Epic and People Can Fly gone too far? Is this latest “hype” filled video for Bulletstorm dumbing down the talent of some amazing artists and programmers?
When we got wind through various sites that Bioware was looking to launch an IOS/Android game along with Mass Effect 3, our gears started turning. Recent products such as Brady Games excellent Batman: Arkham City Map APP have done a great job at improving the game experience even though they’re technically not a game per say.
I was sitting in a dark cubicle in 2003 when I received a mysterious phone call. The voice on the other end of the line was shrill, slightly raspy and spoke with frantic urgency. “What faction are we playing when World of Warcraft comes out man, I can’t decide what do!?” After spending countless hours reading forums I called the mysterious stranger back and uttered a single phrase, “For the Horde!” (Click for more)