Sorry for the lack of PAX updates!
There will be a rush of updates probably coming out starting tomorrow (possibly) and definitely as next week cracks, the unfortunate truth is that covering this massive event with just two lonely dudes is not the simplest endeavor. But lest you think we are being lazy, in 2 short (or long depending on your POV) days we have already played/done:
- F.E.A.R. 3
- Lord of the Rings: War in the North
- Mortal Kombat
- FireFall
- Crysis 2
- Fable 3 in 3D
- Hunted
- Brink
- Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Shoot Many Robots
- Bastion
- Did the Harmonix/Swap.com event
- attended panels including
- The Other Us: Gender in Gaming (amazing)
- Two different Community Manager panels (one hosted by Harmonix, one…well…not)
- G4TV Feedback Live
- Tin Man Games Choose Your own adventure iOS apps (AWESOME!)
And yet we still plan to attempt a try at Portal 2, Duke Nukem Forever, and Table top, so much table top gaming. So stay tuned to see all the PAX East updates from your favorite little nerdlings on the net, with some special articles about the con media caste system, gender in gaming and some general thoughts on nerdery.
PAX East is definitely not short of inspiring and there are surprises around every corner if you open up to them.
For faster updates for now, follow @nerdappropriate, @matthistory or @legsarebroken (or all 3!) on Twitter.
Tired but stoked from Boston:
Matt and Ash