I remember lining up all day in Tampa to see the Phantom Menace on opening day. The conditions at the theater were terrible: Broken AC, blurry lens, and a terrible crowd. I ended up leaving the theater feeling a bit drained, like someone had siphoned the “force” right out of me. The movie wasn’t what I was expecting, but there was one thing I loved about the phantom menace and that was Liam Neeson’s portrayal of Qui-Gon Jin.
Always speaking in riddles.
So when I heard the news that he would be returning to the iconic character on the small screen this season on The Clone Wars, I did a dance of joy.
Here is what we know so far
He will return in “ghost Jedi” form and will probably have advice for Obi Wan.
The voice cast probably stained their pants when they learned Liam Neeson would be joining them/
You can hear him on Jan. 28th and again on Feb. 11th
So why would such a high profile actor head to the Cartoon Network? Simple, he loves Star Wars.
“These characters resonate…even after all these years.” said Neelson. “Growing up, my heroes were cowboys; they were strong and mysterious, and it seemed like they always rode off into the sunset. For kids today, Star Wars has that same kind of magic. I really wanted to be a part of that
Today, Netflix announces a streaming only plan for $7.99 per month. Consequentially, the cost other plans appear to be increasing by a dollar or so, depending on your plan. The plan announcement arrives on the heels of the recently announced Hulu Plus, which came out of the preview period earlier this week, also $7.99. Looks like a little healthy competition here, giving consumers more choice beyond cable and satellite. Score!
We’ve talked a lot about TV in our podcasts so far. I wanted to highlight one that is consistently one of the most offbeat, well written and highly overlooked comedies on TV.