Buy Deadspace 2 and wear Issac’s Armor in Dragon Age 2? Wait.. what?!
The chilling tales of Ser Isaac of Clarke are a favorite of bards performing in the wee hours of the night. In dank taverns throughout Thedas, these horror-filled stories captivate listeners and bring nightmares to those faint of heart.
Ser Isaac’s Boots
Increases armor
Requires high dexterity and cunning
Ser Isaac’s Armor
Heavy Armor
Contains a rune slot
Increases armor
Requires high dexterity and cunning
Ser Isaac’s Gauntlets
Increases armor
Requires high dexterity and cunning
Ser Isaac’s Helm
Contains a rune slot
Increases armor
Critical damage factor
Requires high dexterity and cunning
Purchase Dead Space 2 today and get a code* to unlock a special set of Isaac Clarke inspired armor for the upcoming, Action-RPG from BioWare, Dragon Age 2._______________________________
Armor in Action
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This ain’t bad as far as DLC / micro-transactions go. I probably wore the blood dragon armor in ME2 for about 5 min, but I was still happy to have it. Likewise, for two games I plan to get anyhow, this is appreciated.
What are the chances this armor will show up in ME3 too.
Scott, same here, but I think I did that with all the DLC full suit armor. The Kestrel armor is the best by far.
Yeah, I’m excited for this suit as well. I didn’t really use my Blood Dragon armor in Mass Effect, but it looked great and had a neat back story.