Rad Soldiers: The Nerd Appropriate Review

Rad Soldiers: The Nerd Appropriate Review

There is something magical about moving little army men around a game table while pretending you’re a super-important high ranking general. WarChest and Splash Damage’s Rad Soldiers is the latest turn based strategy title that lets you live out those arm-chair general fantasies on your mobile phone or tablet.  Did WarChest manage to deliver something with both style AND substance?

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Brink: On The “brink” Of Tomorrow’s Release.. New Official Trailer!

Brink: On the “brink” of tomorrow’s release.. new official trailer!

few of us had the opportunity to give Brink a try at PAX: East and have to say, it’s a whole lot of fun.  While the emphasis of Brink is clearly it’s multiplayer customization, Brink also has a rich and unique lore that is explored in the video below.  Check out Brink’s official launch trailer, and read our exclusive hands on impressions. If you’ve been looking for something to fill the void left by the Gears of War 3 Beta once it’s gone, Brink may be the game for you!

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