Comic Con 2011: 10 Tips You’ll Hear No Place Else

Comic Con 2011: 10 Tips You’ll Hear No Place Else

The biggest, scariest, and most hectic nerd convention in all the land is almost upon us, San Diego Comic Con International! Even if you’ve been your fair share of nerd conventions, I assure you, there is nothing on Earth like San Diego Comic Con. For the next few days I’ll be dropping some Comic Con knowledge bombs so that you can have the best time humanly possible at the world’s biggest nerd gathering.

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Felicia Day: Dragon Age Redemption *updated -w- Teaser!*

Felicia Day: Dragon Age Redemption *updated -w- teaser!*

The internet exploded this morning with information so amazing, it can simply be described as “epic”. One of our favorite nerds, Felicia Day has been hinting at a #secretproject for weeks now, but details have been scant at best. Well this morning, bright and early, the bomb was dropped. Felicia Day was approached by Bioware to create a web-series based on their Dragon Age franchise! This was something I wasn’t aware that I really wanted until it actually existed, sort of like sweet and spicy Doritos (soooo good)

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Convention Memories: In The Year 2008 Everyone Thought  “twittering” Meant Masturbation.

Convention Memories: In the year 2008 everyone thought “twittering” meant masturbation.

I’m a convention nerd.  I pretty much always have been.  My first convention was at a local Holiday Inn in Fort Myers Florida.  It featured “Q” from Star Trek the Next Generation and Buck Rogers star Erin Grey.  I remember loving it, even though by today’s convention standards it was pretty awful.  I’ve also managed to make it out to my fair share of Comic Cons in San Diego.  For those that have not been, it’s the nerd version of the Hajj.  Every once in a while you’ll luck out at a convention and capture a really amazing moment.

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Get ’em Hooked: A Comics Primer

Get ’em hooked: A comics primer

So you have a nerdy circle one(husband, boyfriend, wife, girlfriend, friend, crush, sibling, child) and you want to get them into comics. Well that is how comics work best, much like the crack dealer on the corner (we all have one right?) you get them started on a freebie and before you know it they will be making weekly trips to the comic shop of choice and picking up their scrips (its what the cool kids call a subscription) and reading joyously all night.

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