Coming Soon in August….*EXPLOSION NOISE*
Hey there gang. Just writing a quick note to thank you for making July one of our best months ever at Despite being scattered unto the winds we managed to produce four podcasts (thanks Scott), conducted a bum load of interviews, ran an incredibly fun community game night, and Matt, Hilary, and myself even managed to provide a wee bit of Comic-Con coverage out in San Diego. So how the heck do we top July? August! *Explosion Noise*
What the what!? RNA 149: PAX Interview Spectacular is up a day early for your ears to enjoy!
RNA 149 #PAXEast2014 interviews -w- @DarkestDungeon @undeadlabs @KLEI @Free_Lives @SwitchbladeMkys +more!
RT @NerdAppropriate: RNA 149 #PAXEast2014 interviews -w- @DarkestDungeon @undeadlabs @KLEI @Free_Lives @SwitchbladeMkys +more!…
RT @NerdAppropriate: RNA 149 #PAXEast2014 interviews -w- @DarkestDungeon @undeadlabs @KLEI @Free_Lives @SwitchbladeMkys +more!…
The indie that surprised me the most at #PAXEast2014 ? Hands down @DarkestDungeon (Interview at the 1:23:30 mark)
RT @NerdAppropriate: The indie that surprised me the most at #PAXEast2014 ? Hands down @DarkestDungeon (Interview at the 1:23:30 mark) http…
RT @NerdAppropriate: The indie that surprised me the most at #PAXEast2014 ? Hands down @DarkestDungeon (Interview at the 1:23:30 mark) http…
Rated NA 149: PAX Interview Spectacular! Is now available! (Spectacularness not guaranteed) -