Check out G4’s Proving Ground here early -w- Jessica Chobot
G4 went ahead and put the pilot episode of their new nerd/science show up for us all to enjoy a bit early. Here is what Chobot had to say to us about the premise of the show “The power behind G4’s Proving Ground is its dedication to pop culture. I, for one, am intensely interested in the more nerdy side of things, from classic 80s teen movies to videogames to TV shows while Ryan, believe it or not, has an amazing curiosity and intelligence for the more technical/engineering side of things. We also got along fantastically, so the combination of us as hosts worked out well and really created some hilarious moments. I’m also a big fan of how Proving Ground doesn’t focus on just the two of us. The entire crew that had been hired on to shoot the project was forced to do some of the trials and tests. It made for an incredibly fun and low-key atmosphere, which a show like this should have.”
In case you missed the rest of our interview with Jessica, check it out HERE. I have to say, the show is a ton of fun. On a show like this, chemistry between the hosts is the key to success and you can clearly see that Dunn and Chobot got along famously. If you’ve ever wanted to race go-carts with power-ups (oil-slick,turbo-boost,and more), then I think Proving Ground is your sort of show. I thought the first episode was an absolute blast and I can’t wait to see more. Proving Ground is set to premiere on June 14th on G4.