Rated NA 98: Foreplay – Romance in Games
On this special edition podcast we present the audio from the PAX East Panel: Foreplay, Romance in Games with our very own, Hilary. This awesome panel was moderated by Sean Baptiste from Fire Hose Games, featuring Aenne and Melissa from Reset Transmission and our pals, Miellyn and Lacy Wilson from Tin Man Games. Oh, and Raphael Sbarge was kind enough to make a surprise appearance on the panel, enjoy!
The first of our single topic bonus episodes is now live! Time to discuss Marvel’s @AgentsofSHIELD – ! http://t.co/JalayEl5oK –
@MoTancharoen @jedwhedon We recorded an entire episode discussing S.H.I.E.L.D. season one. Thanks for the show! http://t.co/JalayEl5oK
RT @NerdAppropriate: The first of our single topic bonus episodes is now live! Time to discuss Marvel’s @AgentsofSHIELD – ! http://t.co/Jal…
Special episode! We discuss the ups and downs of Marvel’s @AgentsofSHIELD and our S2 predictions – http://t.co/JalayEl5oK
@MingNa We recorded a special all S.H.I.E.L.D. episode! We’d love for you to check it out during your adventures. http://t.co/JalayEl5oK
I’ve only listened to part of this discussion, but I wanted to post something right now. The writers certainly had their hands tied by not being able to reveal certain things on the show until Winter Soldier came out, but I am not as dismissive of the first half/two-thirds of the season as many other people have been. I liked getting to know and like the characters before the big reveals happened. I really think that the tv airing schedule was the bigger problem since there were so many breaks (and some long ones!) between new eps. I think the powers that be used those early episodes well – setting things up that would all come together for the last 7 episodes. Except for Fzzt (ep 6) – which was a tie-in to The Avengers (the Chatauri helmet) and Repairs (ep. 9) – a little backstory on The Cavalry – all of the earlier episodes tie into the end of the season in some way.
I agree! I totally forgot how messed up the schedule was due the Olympics this year. I hope we didn’t come across as negative, I think all of us really do love the show.
Just to jump in with Ash, I totally agree too! Sometimes I think we are the hardest on the ones we love but this show went from being sort of monster of the week to clearly jumping into deeper back story in relatively short order. I mean the “villain” for episode one ended up being one of the more awesome characters long run in the series. (J August Richards). I had completely forgotten as well about the olympics and like we said, they clearly had to wait for Cap to accelerate the series to full throttle, but I’m super excited about season 2.
Ooh @nerdappropriate did a whole episode on SHIELD! Spoilery but omg yay: http://t.co/X47DAEt8QL
RT @CantTalkMedia: Ooh @nerdappropriate did a whole episode on SHIELD! Spoilery but omg yay: http://t.co/X47DAEt8QL
@Lil_Henstridge @IdeCaestecker – We recorded a S.H.I.E.L.D. special and talked about how both made us get all teary! http://t.co/JalayEl5oK